So I am going to show you how I made the cat plates that Professor Umbridge had hanging in her defense against the dark arts office in Hogwarts school.
First your need to get the items:
I have a hot glue gun, scissors, small sawtooth hanger, fray cheek, forgot to put in photo is the blue paintings tape and the roller and pencil.
I got the pink ribbon from Mitchell's, and the cat plates I got on eBay.
Attaching the hanger on the back of plate:
Step 1 {photo 1}
use the tape on the biggest plastic plate to help you find the center hold up to see how it will hang. Adjust if needed.
Step 2 {photo 2-3}
find center with the ruler and use the pincel to mark the spot.
Step 3 {photo 4-5}
put the tape on the small sawtooth hanger (make sure you have this in the right direction), put in the desired spot, use the hot glue gun to secure the hanger to the plastic plate.
Step 4 {photo 6}
let cool.
Attaching the pink ribbon to the plant:
Step 1 (photo1)
use the painting tape to find the right spot for the pink ribbon before suckering it to plant with the hot glue.
Step 2 (photo 2-3)
trim the ribbon and then use the fray cheek so you don't get fray's. let it dry.
Step 4 (photo 4-7)
use the hot glue on the plant first then press down the ribbon once that is down add the glue on top of the ribbon to make sure it is firmly attached.
Step 5 (photo 8)
after the glue has cooled on the back the plant over.You will need to add thin layer of glue to the back of the plant and and front of the ribbon. clean up any that you will see when hanging.
Attached the other plant to the ribbon:
Steep 1 (photo 1)
lay the plate on the ribbon facing up so you can put the painting tape on the plate and know where the glue will go on the backside. Apply the hot glue and flip over
Steep 2 (photo 2)
before the glue cools down to much line the ribbon up and press down add glue to both sides of the ribbon also on both sides of the plant to make sure it is attached firmly.
Repeat for each plant:
Repeat for the other plates:
now its time to give some TLC to that pink ribbon.
The Pink Ribbon
Steep 1 (photo 1)
Trim the bottom of the ribbon the way you want it to look like
Steep 2 (photo 2)
Use the Fray Check to keep nice clean look and get no fray's after cutting.
Steep 3 (photo 3)
Make the bow and use the fray check like you did before. I also used little amount of glue on the bow just to help it keep it's shape as you handle it when you attach later.
Attach the Bow to the plant:
the only thing I would say is make sure the bow and the ribbon line up use the roller to find middle of the ribbon the plates are attached to then go up to top of the plant and mark spot the hot glue will go with the pencil. I used a lot of the hot glutei firmly attach the bow to the plant.
I hope you enjoy this DIY for the Professer Dolores Umbridge cat plates, and see you all later with the next DIY or travel.