“Every new search is a voyage to the Indies, a quest for buried treasure, a journey to the end of the rainbow; and whether or not at the end there shall be turned up a pot of gold or merely a delightful volume, there are always wonders along the way.”
My Harry Potter & Fantastic Beast And Where To Find Them Collection
― Vincent Starrett―

Opal Necklace
-Katie Bell-
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets first appearance
This was my first piece in my collection
"Do not Touch! Cursed. Has claimed the lives of nineteen Muggle owners to date."
—The warning label for the necklace's display.
Is a cursed Dark object, made of opals, that was, for a period of time, on sale at Borgin and Burkes. It is claimed to have taken the lives of nineteen different Muggles.
It was also used by Draco Malfoy in a failed attempt to assassinate Albus Dumbledore, that ended up cursing Katie Bell instead.
"At once, Katie rose into the air... gracefully, her arms outstretched, as though she was about to fly. Yet there was something wrong, something eerie... Her hair whipped her by the fierce wind, but her eyes were closed and her face was quite empty of expression... Then, six feet above the ground, Katie let out a terrible scream. Her eyes flew open but whatever she could see, or whatever she was feeling, was clearly causing her terrible anguish."
—Effects of the opal necklace on Katie Bell
Usage: Cursed to potentially kill anyone it touches.

Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince first appearance.
This was my second piece in my collection. The rest I don't recall order I got them in.
"A tiara said to grant wisdom to the wearer. It was lost for centuries before it became a Horcrux."
—Description of the Diadem
Was the only known relic once belonging to Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Etched upon its surface was Ravenclaw's famous quote: "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."
It was said to enhance the wisdom of its wearer, which is Ravenclaw House's most treasured attribute. It has a blue sapphire shaped like an oval.
The diadem was later stolen by her daughter, Helena, a fact Rowena kept a secret from the other founders 'till her death bed.
Helena Ravenclaw, Rowena's daughter, greatly envied the attention her mother received. She stole her mother's diadem, in hope of using its power to make herself wiser, and fled Hogwarts. Her mother fell fatally ill and in spite of Helena's betrayal, wanted to see her daughter one last time.
Rowena sent the Bloody Baron, a man who once loved Helena, to find her. When he caught up with her in a forest in Albania (the same forest Lord Voldemort would use as a hiding place during his exile), she hid the diadem in a hollow tree. Upon her refusal to return with him, the Baron stabbed her; horrified by what he had just done, the Baron then stabbed himself as well.
The diadem was later found to be lost (hence the name "the lost diadem"), and was sought after by students for hundreds of years.

Movie Poster form first movie.
Got this at "Art of Music in Las Vegas”
Signature on the poster: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman, Tom Felton, Jamie Waylett, Oliver Phelps, James Phelps, Matthew Lewis, Bonnie Wright, Richard Griffiths, Richard Harris, Ian Hart, John Hurt, Maggie Smith, John Williams, Chris Columbus, and J.K Rowling
Harry Potter Monster - book of monsters- First appearance in Prisoner of Azkaban
Got mine at Universal Studios Fa.
When activated, bump-n-go movement with top cover chomping motion and sound.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets first appearance
"What did you expect? Pumpkin Juice?"
—Poppy Pomfrey on the foul taste of Skele-Gro
Smokes when it's poured and is a dreadful-tasting potion. Mends broken bones, or even regrow entire bones that have vanished or been otherwise lost. For regrowing entire bones, the process is a notably slow and painful process.
~Known ingredients:
1 Chinese Chomping Cabbage
3 Puffer-fish
5 Scarab beetles
~Inventor: Linfred of Stinchcombe an ancestor of the Potter family.
~Manufacturer: Rubens Winikus and Company Inc.

Sorting Hat
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone First appearance
"Oh you may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me."
—The Sorting Hat's opening lines of the
1991, 1994, 1995 Sorting Hat's song
2017 Song
I've done this job for centuries,On every student's head I've sat,Of thoughts I take inventories,For I'm the famous Sorting Hat.
2019 Song
I've sorted high, I've sorted low, I've done the job through thick and thin, So put me on and you will know, Which house you should be in... Are you afraid of what you'll hear?Afraid I'll speak the name you fear?Not Slytherin! Not Gryffindor!Not Hufflepuff! Not Ravenclaw!Don't worry, child, I know my job,You'll learn to laugh, if first you sob.
The Sorting Hat is a sentient hat at Hogwarts that magically determines which of the four school Houses each new student belongs most to.
These four Houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.
The Sorting Hat originally belonged to Godric Gryffindor, one of the founders of Hogwarts.
It normally stays in the Headmaster's office until it is needed.

Remembrall with stand I made
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone first appearance.
Glows red when the user has forgotten something
A Remembrall is a magical large marble sized glass ball that contains smoke which turns red when its owner has forgotten something. It turns clear once whatever was forgotten is remembered.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban first appearance
"I mark the hours, every one, Nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value, unto you, Are gauged by what you have to do."
—Inscription on Hermione Granger's borrowed Time-Turner
Object Information
Manufacturer: Department of Mysteries
The British Ministry of Magic encased an Hour-Reversal Charm in the time turners they created, for additional stability. The number of times one turns the hourglass corresponds to the number of hours one travels back in time. However, they can only stay in the past for five hours at a time, without the possibility of serious harm to the traveller or to time itself.
However, by 2020, two other "true" kind of time-turners were created. The prototype only let the time traveller stay in the past for five minutes, while the improved model let them to stay in the past for as long as they wanted, and return to the future when wanted.

Mandrake ( not movie accurate) {I made this}
"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is a powerful restorative. It is used to turn people who have been transfigured or cursed to their original state. The cry of the Mandrake is fatal to anyone who hears it."
—Hermione Granger on the properties and abilities of the plant
Minister for Magic Venusia Crickerly died in 1912, following a freak Mandrake-related gardening accident.
Mandrakes are part of the second-year Herbology curriculum at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the 1992-1993 school year, the school's growth of Mandrakes served the additional purpose of making a Restorative Draught to revive all those who had been Petrified during the Chamber of Secrets openings.
During the Battle of Hogwarts, Professor Sprout, Neville Longbottom, and other students, lobbed Mandrakes over the Castle's battlements to attack the Death Eaters.

The Marauder's Map
"Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers
are proud to present
—The Marauder's Map
The Marauder's Map was created by Remus Lupin(Moony), Peter Pettigrew(Wormtail), Sirius Black(Padfoot), and James Potter (Prongs) while they were attending Hogwarts. The creation of the map started by 1974[2] and was finished between 1975 and 1978, because the titles on the map refer to the nicknames of these men in their Animagus forms, and, in Lupin's case, werewolf form. The four created the map via the usage of the Homonculous Charm, a powerful and advanced charm that enchanted the map to track the movements of everyone in the castle, as well as a charm to insult Severus Snape. The ability of Sirius, Peter, and James to become Animagi enabled them to explore the castle grounds by night undetected.

Dumbledore's Deluminator and Lantern
The Deluminator, also known as the Put-Outer, is a magical device used by Albus Dumbledore (the first known owner and designer of the one Deluminator known to exist) to remove light sources from the Deluminator's immediate surroundings, as well as bestow them.
It looks like a standard silver cigarette lighter.
Dumbledore left the Deluminator to Ron Weasley, in his will (presented by Rufus Scrimgeour), after his death.
In 1927, Dumbledore used the it to darken London's streets to talk with Newt Scamander and avoid detection by the Ministry of Magic employees.
In 1981, after the murders of James and Lily Potter, Dumbledore used the it to darken Privet Drive, where the Dursley household was located. Rubeus Hagrid was transport the baby Harry Potter to Privet Drive it allowed Hagrid to arrive with added security.
In 1995, Dumbledore lent the it to Mad-Eye Moody, who used it when transporting Harry from the Dursleys' home to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix at 12 Grimmauld Place. In 1996, Dumbledore used it again to darken Privet Drive before coming to collect Harry.
In 1997, it was left to Ron Weasley in Dumbledore's will. It seemed to also act like a homing device. Whenever Hermione and Harry mentioned Ron's name, he could hear snippets of conversation before and after, even though he was far away. It then acted as a guide, leading Ron back to Harry and Hermione after he left them following an argument.
In 1998, Ron Weasley used ti again in the Malfoys' cellar, so that Luna Lovegood, Ollivander, Ron and Harry could see inside the cellar, releasing light that he had earlier taken from the lamps within Perkins's tent. And when Peter Pettigrew came down into the cellar, Harry told Ron keep the lights on, and leave as it is. The lights, being unable to rejoin their sources, simply remained in the room.
"A wand is the object through which a witch or wizard channels his or her magic. It is made from wood and has a magical substance at its core. Wands made by Ollivander have cores of phoenix feather, unicorn hair or dragon heartstring, and are of varying woods, lengths, and flexibilities."
Our Four Wonds
Top two when park first open
Bottom two are the interactive ones to cast spells in both sides of wizarding world.

Love Potion
"Powerful infatuations can be induced by the skilful potioneer, but never yet has anyone managed to create the truly unbreakable, eternal, unconditional attachment that alone can be called love."
—Hector Dagworth-Granger regarding love potions
Ingredients & Brewing
"Rose Petals - There are over a hundred species in the genus Rosa. Wizards and Muggles alike have been breeding garden roses for thousands of years. Thorn: Some love potions use more thorns instead of rose petals, although I personally have found the effects of these potions tend to be brief and somewhat unstable." —Zygmunt Budge
Ashwinder eggs are a common ingredient in many varieties of love potions, as are rose thorns, peppermint, and Moonstone. Since there are many different types of love potions, therefore there are many different methods in which to brew them. Pearl Dust was an ingredient in all love potions. Zygmunt Budge personally favoured Rose Petals.
Hermione Granger Yule Ball Gown
I love this peice in my collection
Hermione Granger paid unusual attention to her appearance and dress for the Yule Ball in 1994. She wore dress robes made of a floaty, periwinkle-blue material, and her usually bushy hair was made sleek and shiny by Sleekeazy's Hair Potion, and twisted up into an elegant knot at the back of her head.

Hermione Granger's beaded handbag
"'When you say you've got the Cloak, and clothes...' said Harry, frowning at Hermione, who was carrying nothing except her small beaded handbag, in which she was now rummaging. 'Yes, they're here,' said Hermione, and to Harry and Ron's utter astonishment, she pulled out a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, some maroon socks, and finally the silvery Invisibility Cloak... She gave the fragile-looking bag a little shake and it echoed like a cargo hold as a number of heavy objects rolled around inside it."
Hermione Granger owned a small, purple, beaded handbag, which she purchased in the summer of 1997 or earlier. She placed an Undetectable Extension Charm on it and inside it held many possessions she and her friends would need during their hunt for Voldemort's Horcruxes.
Inside the handbag, Hermione carried clothes, healing and camping supplies such as dittany and Perkins's tent, books, and Harry's Cloak of Invisibility.

Building up my Hogwarts School Library.

The Half Blood Prince Potion Book
omg I love this book its amazing inside and out...
"Indeed, from antiquity until well into the Modern Ages, a physics devoid of metaphysical insight would have been as unsatisfying as a metaphysical devoid of physical manifestation."
—An excerpt from "Different Methods of Potion Preparation", a chapter in the book.
Advanced Potion-Making is a book written by Libatius Borage. As the title implies this book contains advanced recipes and various other topics related to potion-making. This textbook has been used for decades in the education of young witches and wizards.

Gringotts Vault Key
These were gold keys owned by anyone who had a bank account at Gringotts Wizarding Bank, enabling them to unlock and withdraw from their vaults. Lower security vaults, such as the one belonging to the Weasley family, require only a key to open. Higher security, such as the one belonging to the Lestrange family or the one belonging to the Potter family, requires not only the key, but also a goblin employee to lift the security measure around the door.
The Philosopher stone, Letter from Albus to bank, news clip
The Philosopher's Stone was a legendary alchemical substance with magical properties. This ruby-red stone could be used to create the Elixir of Life, which made the drinker immortal, as well as transform any metal into pure gold. The only known Stone to have ever existed was created by the famed alchemist Nicolas Flamel.
During 1991-1992 school year, Lord Voldemort made attempts to steal the Stone for his own purposes. The final and almost successful attempt broke out in a skirmish for possession of the Stone. Voldemort was foiled by eleven year old Harry Potter and his return to power was delayed.

Alastor Moody's Hip Flask
This flask was stolen by Bartemius Crouch Jr in 1994 when he was disguised as Moody and was teaching the Defence Against the Dark Arts class. He used it to hide some Polyjuice Potion, and would drink from it periodically to maintain his disguise. As Moody was well known to drink only from the flask, Crouch was able to take the potion in front of others without arousing suspicions. Over the year, Crouch would refill the flask with the potion periodically, stealing ingredients from Severus Snape's storeroom. Ultimately, when Harry Potter returned from Voldemort's rebirth ceremony, Crouch forgot his hourly intake in his excitement, and Albus Dumbledore emptied the flask's content onto the floor to show Harry (in the film adaption, Snape sniffed the empty flask to figure out the contents).
After the reveal of Barty Crouch, Moody took his flask back and cleaned it from the potion. However, Moody filled it with Polyjuice Potion again in 1997 some minutes before the Flight over Little Whinging as six people had to disguise them as Harry Potter. After a brief argument with Harry, who was initially refusing to let six people to risk their lives, he reluctantly gave a few strands of his hair to add into the flask to complete the potion, and Moody split the contents into six egg-cup-sized glasses, each for one of the would-be impostors, while warning everyone that the Polyjuice Potion tasted like "goblin piss". Moody himself did not drink the potion.
When Moody was killed and his corpse recovered by the Death Eaters, it is unknown what happened to the flask. It's most likely that it was desposed with Moody's body or was kept as a trophy by a Death Eater.
Dolores Umbridge on unicycle
This is a rare item
was a toy version of Dolores Umbridge sold at Fred and George Weasley's shop, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. It rode around on a unicycle across a tightrope, balancing with buckets of liquid, saying phrases such as "I will have order," and "I really hate children."
Did You Know:
Both of the known phrases uttered by the toy are ones that were actually used by Umbridge in the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film, though both were during the scene in which Harry and Hermione had lured Umbridge into the Forbidden Forest with the centaurs and Fred and George were not present. It is possible, however, that Umbridge had made a habit of using those phrases. Another possibility is that they learnt of what she had said after the incident and thought they would be good and funny phrases for the toy to speak.

Gringott's Gold Bar
The Last Will and Testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Golden Snitch Ring holder
Golden Snetch Gold Puzzle Ball

Rare Fantastic Beast Threat Level Alarm Clock

Helga Hufflepuff Cup
The cup was a creation of Helga Hufflepuff, the celebrated Founder of Hufflepuff House. It was described as a shining golden cup with two finely wrought handles on either side and a badger engraved on its surface. The cup was said to possess many magical powers, though the exact nature of those powers is not known. Hufflepuff was brilliant with food-related charms and with house-elves, so the cup may have been the very first dining utensil at Hogwarts to assist in the magical transportation of food from the House-Elf Kitchens. The cup remained with Hufflepuff until the time of her death.
The cup was passed down through the Hufflepuff family, and through the centuries made its way to Hepzibah Smith, a descendant who kept the cup as a priceless heirloom. In 1946, Smith showed the cup to Tom Marvolo Riddle, who was at that time employed at Borgin and Burkes. She dazzled Riddle with the cup and fondly stated she could never part with it. Along with the cup, Smith possessed Salazar Slytherin's locket. She kept them well hidden even from her family members.
Smith was found dead two days later. Her elderly house-elf, Hokey, recalled mistakenly putting poison in Smith's cocoa, however, Riddle had embedded a false memory in Hokey as he himself had murdered Smith for the artefacts. Riddle fled with the cup and the locket. Smith's family realised the cup and the locket were missing shortly after her death, but by that time Riddle had resigned his post at Borgin and Burkes. Riddle was neither seen nor heard of for a decade.
Riddle, or Lord Voldemort as he called himself at that point, transformed the cup into his fourth Horcrux, using Smith's murder as the tool. Many years later he left it in the care of his trusted Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange. Although she did not know that the cup was a Horcrux, Lestrange treated the object with extreme priority, storing it in her family vault at Gringotts Wizarding Bank, considered to be impossible to plunder. In addition to the bank's extensive security measures, it was protected there by a spell which would cause any object to multiply exponentially if touched by anyone other than the vault's owners. In addition to this, a further protective curse was placed on the vault to cause the objects to glow hot as fire and burn the flesh of anyone trying to remove them without authorisation.

Dumbledore Cave Crystal Goblet
A crystal goblet was the tool used by Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter inside The Cave to drain the basin of Emerald Potion, where the locket Horcrux was hidden, on the island in the middle of the lake. Dumbledore conjured the goblet out of thin air using a non-verbal spell, and instructed Harry to make him drink all of the potion no matter what happened, even if Harry had to force Dumbledore to keep drinking.
"Your good health, Harry"
—Dumbledore to Harry before he drinks from the goblet
When the basin was finally emptied, Dumbledore weakly asked for water. Harry used the Aguamenti Charm to fill the goblet with drinking water, but when he attempted to give it to Dumbledore, the water disappeared. Harry again tried to fill the goblet with Aguamenti, but again the water disappeared before Dumbledore could drink it. Harry then used the crystal goblet to get water from the lake surrounding the island, causing the Inferi within the lake to rise up and attack.
The Prisoner of Azkaban knight bus
The Knight Bus is a triple-decker, purple AEC Regent III RT that assists stranded individuals of the wizarding community through public transportation. It operates at a very fast speed and obstacles will jump out of its way, and can also deceptively fit through small spaces. To hail the bus, a witch or wizard must stick their wand hand in the air in the same manner that a Muggle might do while hailing a Muggle Bus in the United Kingdom.

Marvolo Gaunt's Ring (Horcrux Ring)
Marvolo Gaunt's Ring was an heirloom of the House of Gaunt, descendants of Salazar Slytherin and Cadmus Peverell. It is a gold ring inset with a black stone (actually the Resurrection Stone, but neither Marvolo Gaunt nor Lord Voldemort were aware of its existence) engraved with what Marvolo Gaunt called the Peverell coat of arms (having come into the Gaunt line from an heiress of the Peverells, not the Slytherin family), which is actually the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. The signet ring passed through the male, generation to generation, until it was stolen from Morfin Gaunt by Tom Riddle while Tom framed Morfin for the murders of the Riddle family. While at Hogwarts, Tom openly wore the ring. He later made the ring into his second Horcrux. Tom did not enchant the ring right away, as he was seen wearing it while asking Horace Slughorn about Horcruxes, as seen through Slughorn's memories in a pensieve. In 1996, Albus Dumbledore retrieved the ring, eventually destroying it with Godric Gryffindor's Sword.

Albus Dumbledor's Goblet

Cloak Of Invisibility
The Cloak of Invisibility is a magical artefact used to render the wearer invisible, and one of the fabled Deathly Hallows. In "The Tale of the Three Brothers", it was the third and final Hallow created, supposedly by Death himself (whom had the cloak in his possession at that time), and bestowed upon Ignotus Peverell after he requested, as his bounty, for something with the power to hide him if he were to go place to place without being followed by Death. According to legend, whoever united it with the other two Hallows (the Elder Wandand the Resurrection Stone) would become the Master of Death. This invisibility cloak was the only known one that would not fade with age and would provide everlasting protection to the wearer, something no normal invisibility cloak could provide. As such, it was the only Hallow known to have been successfully passed down from generation to generation since Ignotus' time. In 1991, it passed to the possession of Harry Potter who used it to great success in the Second Wizarding War and resolved to pass it down to his own children.

Slithering locket (Horcrux)
was a piece of jewellery originally owned by Salazar Slytherin that became an heirloom of his family. It was a locket of heavy gold with a serpentine S in glittering green stone inlay on the front. After descending down from Slytherin, it came into the possession of the Gaunt family, and Marvolo Gaunt treasured this heirloom of this pure-blood heritage along with his ring heirloom. After Marvolo and his son Morfin Gaunt were sent to Azkaban, the locket was stolen by Marvolo's daughter Merope Gaunt, who sold it to Caractacus Burke for ten Galleons, a price far below what the priceless artefact was truly worth. The locket was bought from Borgin and Burkes shop by a wealthy witch with an affinity for rare or valuable items named Hepzibah Smith. In the mid-20th century, Smith showed it to a young Tom Riddle, who was an employee of Borgin and Burkes at the time. Riddle was interested in the locket (which was, after all, his birthright), and two days later, Hepzibah was found dead and her house-elf, Hokey, made a full confession (Riddle presumably performed a False memory charm on her, as he did with his uncle Morfin years earlier). Using the murder of a Muggle tramp, Riddle turned the locket into his third Horcrux and hid it in a seaside cave where he had hurt two children when he was in the orphanage. It was taken from the cave, however, by a defected Death Eater named Regulus Black with the attempt of having his house-elf, Kreacher, destroy it, but the elf was unable to destroy the locket. It was stolen by Mundungus Fletcher from 12 Grimmauld Place, the home of the House of Black. During Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger's attempts to find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes, they decided to track down the locket first after retrieving the fake one placed by Regulus from the cave. They learned from Mundungus that it was taken from him by a Ministry bureaucrat named Dolores Umbridge, and thus the trio infiltrated the Ministry, found Umbridge, and retrieved the locket. Ron and Harry retrieved Godric Gryffindor's Sword from the bottom of a frozen pool and was able to destroy the Horcrux with it in the winter of 1997.

The Fanged Flyer
Ultra Rare Discontinued wizarding world of Harry Potter
This is a Zonko Item for sale in the shop at the park and they had limited batched and was hard to get hold of one back in the day,

Black Coldren
Just like the one Harmonie use to brew the Polyjuice Potion in the second floor girls bathroom their second year (the chamber of Secrets)

Apothecary Scale
This is a very cool scale from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Philosopher's Stone. This in one of the apothecary shops on Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade.
Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder
s a magical item imported by Fred and George Weasley and sold by Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. This darkness powder creates darkness when used, allowing the user to escape.
As its name indicates, it was originally invented by the wizarding community in Peru, which is the place from which the Weasley twins imported the powder. The darkness produced is resistant to many Light-creation spells, but the Hand of Glory is the one known way to find the way through it.